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10mg - 100 Tablets



Stanozolol is a synthetic anabolic steroid approved by FDA for human use. It is derived from testosterone. Stanozolol has large oral bioavailability because it survives through liver metabolism and therefore available in tablet form. It does not produce estrogen as end product. Stanozolol is popular in female bodybuilders because of its large anabolic effect and weak androgenic effects; however virilisation and masculinization are most common side effects. Stanozolol is banned from use in sports competitions by IAAF and many other sporting bodies. Stanozolol is popular in bodybuilders because of its anabolic effects also because it tends to retain lean body mass without any water retention and weight gain. Stanozolol is also thought to be a fat burning drug, however there is very little evidence supporting this. It is used by body builders for anabolic effects to enhance the masculine appearance. Clinically it has been used to treat anemia and hereditary angioedema in humans with remarkable success popular among most of the physicians. In veterinary it has been used in weak animals to increase body mass, improve blood counts and appetite. Stanozolol has also been used in horse racing to give a metabolic aid during the preparation of the competition. The dosage is 10-25 mg/day with optimal results at 50 mg/day.

Side Effects
The side effects of drug are not permanent and only last as long as one keeps taking it in regular dosage. As soon as the intake stops body mass decreases rapidly. Possible side effects of Stanozolol are insomnia, depression, jaundice which can be serious, nausea and vomiting, gynocomastia, male pattern baldness and deepening of voice.

Effective Dose
10-30 mg / day


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